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Just got in a little surf before packing 5/22/13

Great little thigh to waist high day on the northend of CB. Headed to the Caribbean tonight. Had to pack light... no surf for me in the Dominican republic, sisters wedding  and wife time. 

Make luck happen.

Dope AF logo going down today!

Just put the logo on. Looking good if I do say so myself! 

Make luck happen.

Just finished glassing the deck

Just knocked out the deck. Next is putting on the lams (logos). Lots of squating and bending during the glassing.  Reminds me of why I'm making a beef cake board. I think I'll call this one old yell'a.

Make luck happen.

Put the bottom glass on, getting close to surfing it!

Just put the bottom fiber glass on. Not sure if you can tell but it's still wet. I am still a very crappy glasser but every time is a learning experience + it's not like its rock science or a nuclear bomb.

5/8/13 pretty good this AM.

Got out there early, for me anyway, and it was clean and thigh to waist. A few guys out but still plenty for all. The tide dropped and it got a little better but the wind got on it by late morning and kinda ripped it up. 

There was a film crew out there today. I hear there's a movie comming out that is filming here and these is some kind of surfing in it. That tent on he beach is the film crew. 

Make luck happen.

Got the plug holes ready to role

Put he fin and leash plug holes in. Thanks to Dave for the router. This thing is getting done quick.

Make luck happen.

A lot of work done today.

Got a lot of work done on the board today.  Put on the rail bands and then made the rails.

Make luck happen.