Untitled from michael lopez on Vimeo.
Just a little video to hold you over till we get more surf. Here in NC it's a freeking lake. Wish it was like the video!
Untitled from michael lopez on Vimeo.
This morning at the comp we saw some chest high sloppy wind chop. I got to see Rob Machado's heat. He surfs so smooth it's sick.
Unbelievable, surf from the north east in the middle of July!? The last two years i've lived here in wilmimgton there have been waves on the week of the contest. Looks like Reef and Sweetwater have stepped it up this year. There's a contest and a festival. Can't wait to see what Saturday will bring. I'm writhing all weekend but hopefully i'll get some picks up, go to the fest, and see some pro's surf. Sorry the pics are so bad. The sun was looking the screen on my phone this AM.
Had some left overs of that swell. Great light winds this AM. Super crowded! Surfed with two bro's who got new firewire fishes. One with twin and the other in quad. They were fully stoked. I'll gave them review them both and put up a report soon.
Great little wave out there today. I surfed the 7'6" funboard for a while and then switched out to the fish. Had a few with some wall to it which totally let me drive down the line and hit the lip on a few. So fun compared to the dribble we've had here lately.
Glassy this AM with light on shores. The wind pickled up a tiny bit but nothing like the past few days. Looks like the call is log or fish. Don't expect to get much outta the fish though. Little dumpy lines with occasional waist high. Most are knee with long waits in between sets.